Monday, November 23, 2009


I am the worst blogger ever!

Its okay I admit it!!

I am also very sorry!!

There isnt much time!! I swear that just about everyone I know was born between Sept and Jan. Really!! Besides Bee he is the only weirdo!! :) There are about 5 birthday parties a month!! Then the holidays. My birthday and not the mention the biggest time of the years Islas first birthday!!!! SHESH!!

Oh and it doesnt end there.....we are all going on a family trip to the Dominican Republic!! FOR 17 DAYS!!I cant wait!! :D
I promise that eventually it will all die down and I can go back to my regular blog stalking/posting time.

In the mean time heres the lady of the house!



Heather said...

It really doesn't seem possible but that girl gets cuter and cuter every single time I see her! Woo hoo on the vacation! I hope you come back and post lots of pictures for us nosy readers! :)

Brandy@YDK said...

she's adorable. love the cat ears.

Heather said...

Just stopping by to say hi and wish you (your adorable baby girl) and your family happy holidays!

Heather said...

Thank you for the offer to watch our little girl while I'm in the hospital. You are the sweetest! We spoke to my brother and sister in law and while it's not ideal we are going to have them watch her. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out in the end.

How was your vacation? How is your little girl? I miss seeing pictures of her and being updated on your life in general...hope you'll be back to blogging soon!

Heather said...

Ok girl, its time to update...I miss seeing your cutest baby girl and hearing about what you are up to!